Posts from the ‘object’ category

Swapping surfaces / Échanges de surfaces / Oberflächentausch

This series shows two surfaces which are cut together at the same time and the cut ups are exchanged


Échanges de surfaces, 1990 – meubles, découpage, collage / furniture, cut up and collaged


Échanges de surfaces, 1992 – papiers de couleur, découpage, collage / coloured paper, cut up and collaged – (2 x) 50 x 70 cm.

Échanges de surfaces, 1992 – papiers de couleur, découpage, collage / coloured paper, cut up and collaged – (2 x) 50 x 70 cm.



Échanges de surfaces, 1992 – papiers de couleur, découpage, collage / coloured paper, cut up and collaged – (2 x) 50 x 70 cm.



Échanges de surfaces, 1990 – armoires, découpage, collage / wardrobes, cut up and collaged – 176 x 48 x 190 cm.


Échanges de surfaces, 1992 – cartes postales, découpage, collage / postcards, cut up and collaged – (2 x) 24 x 30 cm.

Échanges de surfaces, 1992 – cartes postales, découpage, collage / postcards, cut up and collaged – (2 x) 24 x 30 cm.


Related texts:

Hans Rudolf Reust “Swapping surfaces” / “Échanges de surfaces” / “Oberflächentausch”

Hervé Laurent “Tableaux (monochromes) d’une exposition (informatique)” / “(Monochromes) pictures at a (computerized) exhibition”

overwrite series


Overwrite object, 1991 – paper plate cut up and collaged – 13.5 x 20.5 cm.


Overwrite object, 1991 – paper plate cut up and collaged – Ø 23 cm.


“Overwrite”, 1987 – (detail), papier peint découpé et recollé / wallpaper, cut up and collaged – 120 x 53 cm.


Pixels, 1991 – punaises colorées sur toile / coloured thumbtacks on canvas – 24 x 33 cm.

Pixels, 1991 – punaises colorées sur toile / coloured thumbtacks on canvas – 24 x 33 cm.


Pixels, 1993 – punaises colorées sur toile / coloured thumbtacks on canvas – 30 x 40 cm.

Pixels, 1993 – punaises colorées sur toile / coloured thumbtacks on canvas – 30 x 40 cm.


Pixels (monochrome), 1993 – punaises blanches sur toile / white thumbtacks on canvas – 20 x 30 cm.




Game over (I, II, III, IV), 2004 – punaises sur toile / thumbtacks on canvas – 20 x 20 cm.

Head III, 1992 – punaises colorées sur sagex / coloured thumbtacks on sagex – 35 x 20 x 20 cm.

Head III, 1992 – punaises colorées sur sagex / coloured thumbtacks on sagex – 35 x 20 x 20 cm.

E-bone, 2004 – punaises sur sagex / thumbtacks on sagex – 16 x 87 x 16 cm.

E-bone, 2004 – punaises sur sagex / thumbtacks on sagex – 16 x 87 x 16 cm.


Sans titre, 2019 – bois, découpage, collage – 162×120 cm.


Sans titre, 1988 – cible, découpage, collage / target, cut-up and collaged – Ø 43 cm.

Sans titre, 1988 – livre coupé et recollé / book, cut-up and reassembled – 26 x 14 x 4 cm.

Sans titre, 1988 – livre coupé et recollé / book, cut-up and reassembled – 26 x 14 x 4 cm.

Sans titre, 1988 – disque vinyle coupé et recollé / record, cut-up and reassembled – Ø 17.5 cm.

Sans titre, 1988 – disque vinyle coupé et recollé / record, cut-up and reassembled – Ø 17.5 cm.

Sans titre, 1988 – barrière de chantier, découpage, collage / wood barrier, cut-up and collaged – 80 x 200 cm.

Sans titre, 1989 – disque vinyle coupé et recollé / record, cut-up and reassembled – 5.5 x 30 x 1.5 cm.

Sans titre, 1989 – disque vinyle coupé et recollé / record, cut-up and reassembled – 5.5 x 30 x 1.5 cm.

Sans titre, 1989 – disque vinyle coupé et recollé / record, cut-up and reassembled – 7.5 x 17.5 x 0.5 cm.

Sans titre, 1989 – disque vinyle coupé et recollé / record, cut-up and reassembled – 7.5 x 17.5 x 0.5 cm.

fit chair, 1989 - chaise coupée & recollée

fit chair, 1989 – chaise coupée & recollée

Lampe code

Lampes code RGB, 1998 – lampes, multiples interrupteurs / lamps, multiple switches – dimensions variables

Lampes code RGB, 1998 – lampes, multiples interrupteurs / lamps, multiple switches – dimensions variables

Anyone who wants to illuminate Hervé Graumann’s lamp with its four switches in series must first solve a problem of Boolean algebra, as it applies to digital circuits. Each switch has two positions, 1 or 0, on or off. From the position of the switch – up or down (u/d) – you cannot tell with Graumann’s lamp whether the switch in question is allowing the current to flow or not. To produce light, every possible variation of switch combinations must therefore be worked through in a systematic way, to avoid unnecessary repetitions: d-u-u-u, d-d-u-u, d-u-d-u, d-u-u-d, d-d-d-u, d-u-d-d, d-d-u-d, u-d-u-u, etc. It may take a while. George Boole established his logical calculus in 1847.

Hervé Graumann (1963*) lives and works in Geneva. Since the middle of the 1990s he has been exploring aspects of digital aesthetics and culture in his work. In 1997 he participated in documenta X in Kassel with some of his early online works.



Lampe code 24, code sheet

Lampe code 24, code sheet

Patterns / installation views


grey zone pattern, 2007 – installation, sundry objects – app. 480 x 480 cm. | Fondation Salomon art contemporain (photo: m. domage)

grey zone pattern, 2007 – installation, sundry objects – detail | photo: m. domage

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Pattern – Vanité 2b, 2003 – (detail)

pattern vanité 2b, 2003 – installation, sundry objects – 400 x 500 cm.

Pattern – Vanité 2b, 2003 – installation, objets divers / installation, sundry objects – 400 x 500 cm. – installation view, mamco geneva

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oriental gold pattern, 2006 – installation, sundry objects – appr. 350 x 800 cm. (exhibition view villa Oppenheim, Berlin)


oriental gold pattern, 2006 – (detail)

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fish & bone w. emerald flower, 2007 – installation, sundry objects – appr. 600 x 900 cm. (exhibition view centre pasquart, Bienne)


fish & bone w. emerald flower, 2007 – installation, sundry objects – appr. 600 x 900 cm.

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encrypted rosa pattern, 2005 – installation, sundry objects – 230 x 250 cm. (coll. Fondation Salomon art contemporain)

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synth field pattern, 2005 – (detail)


synth field pattern, 2005 – installation, sundry objects – appr. 400 x 400 cm.


synth field pattern, 2005 – installation, sundry objects – appr. 400 x 400 cm. (exhibition view gallery 1000eventi, milano)

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India Jamaica mix pattern, 2007 – installation, sundry objects – appr. 600 x 900 cm. (exhibition view centre pasquart, Bienne)


India Jamaica mix pattern, 2007 – installation, sundry objects – appr. 600 x 900 cm.

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garbage chic L.A. pattern, 2010 – installation, sundry objects – appr. 220 x 200 cm.


garbage chic L.A. pattern, 2010 – installation, sundry objects – appr. 220 x 200 cm.


garbage chic L.A. pattern, 2010 – installation, sundry objects – appr. 220 x 200 cm. (CompactSpace Los Angeles)

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b. rhythmaschine pattern, 2006 – installation, sundry objects – 280 x 775 cm. (exhibition view villa Oppenheim, Berlin)


b. rhythmaschine pattern, 2006 – installation, sundry objects – 280 x 775 cm.


b. rhythmaschine pattern, 2006 – installation, sundry objects – 280 x 775 cm.


Patterns linksVertical / Photographs

Vertical patterns

grid series

upgrade painting #06092008, 2008 – painting, india ink, glue – 34 x 48 cm.




Chaise I, 1989 – chaise découpée, marker, colle / cut-up chair, marker pen, glue – 81 x 39 x 38 cm.



Shampooing douche, 1994 – 2 objets découpés, marker, colle / 2 cut-up objects, marker pen, glue – 20 x 12 x 15 cm.



Sans titre, 1991 – meuble découpé, peinture, colle / cut-up furniture, painting, glue – 24 x 49 x 12 cm.



Meuble rose, 1992 – meuble découpé, marker, colle / cut-up furniture, marker pen, glue – 70 x 50 x 34 cm.


Tapis, 1994 – tapis, peinture, colle / carpet, paint, glue – 67 x 133 cm.


Armoire II, 1990 – armoire découpée, marker, colle / cut-up furniture, marker pen, glue – 189 x 36 x 36 cm.

Armoire II, 1990 – armoire découpée, marker, colle / cut-up furniture, marker pen, glue – 189 x 36 x 36 cm.

(…) L’étagère de chez Ikéa, quadrillée en carrés qui sont tous numérotés, puis découpée et recollée en suivant l’ordre de la numérotation, fait la démonstration de la disparition problématique de l’objet sous sa grille de lecture. Inutilisable, fragilisée et déformée (enflée, engrossée en vérité) par l’hypothèse informatique, elle se retire derrière son apparence quantifiée.

Paradoxalement, elle gagne en volume et perd du terrain. Du coup, c’est le terrain aussi qui est perdu: l’espace de la perception se défait; l’unité de temps et de lieu sont moins fiables, données devenues de peu d’importance dans un univers qui ne se configure plus selon les mêmes critères. (…)

François-Yves Morin
“Le monde et son hypothèse” [cat.]  Texte intégral