Raoul Pictor 2023
“Raoul Pictor cherche son style…” XXXth Anniversary 1993 – 2023 Generative NFT version on fxhash
Couleur Minute, 1990
“Couleur minute”, 1990 | A monochrome color is displayed on the computer screen and changes each minute.
Composition verticale/horizontale à 3 éléments
“Composition verticale / horizontale à 3 éléments” is a program that generates and arranges on the screen three lines, horizontal and/or vertical, and prints an A4 document displaying the graphic composition along with its description in the form of coordinates. The graphic composition is generated simultaneously with its description, with neither preceding the other.
Green plant entertainment
Green plant entertainment, 1994-95 Computer device, interface, software, sound, water, light, pot plant
The blackmail office
In his contribution to the Internet project Shrink to Fit (2001/ 02), Hervé Graumann adopted the blackmail strategy of the anonymous letter. Web-site visitors can type a message whose letters look as if they had been cut out of a newspaper.
F. Y. Morin – “A day in the life of Raoul Pictor” [cat.], 1994
“A day in the life of Raoul Pictor” [cat.], 1994 – English
Gauthier Huber – L’écheveau de la représentation
Gauthier Huber, in kunstbulletin – oct 2001 – Français