EZ models Videosculpture – Chalet II (Chamonix), 2005
(…) In the video sculptures “EZmodels”, virtual rides through computer-generated rooms, Hervé Graumann uses a computer to convert photographs into three-dimensional objects. Whereas mental adjustments are easily made for the opposite process of flattening space to create a photograph the resultant products being read as a faithful replica of reality, the conversion of photographs into…
“Buisson, Branche & Rossignol”, 1993
Works with people whose names are treated as elements.
“Blanc sur Blanc”, 1993
Sélection chromatique : Genève, Juin 1992 [ BLANC | BRUN | GRIS | NOIR | ORANGE | ROSE | ROUGE ] BLANC Blanc Adrien, Vaudagne, av. 90, Genève, 782 36 31Blanc Alain, 27 B, av. de Miremont, 1206, Genève, 789 07 08Blanc Alain, Petits-Prés, ch. 18, Genève, 349 19 16Blanc Albert, Cressy, ch. 10,…
grey zone pattern, 2007
This work was realized for the exhibition “Baroquissimo”, Fondation Salomon art contemporain 11.03 / 10.06.07 Exhibition’s page Other works of this series can be seen here: Pattern site