raoul pictor mega painter


Great update of a digital art classic!

“With this app, you will get a pioneer work of Swiss digital art! Furthermore, it will generate an endless amount of new artworks!
Raoul Pictor, the charming fictitious painter starring this app, was first created by artist Hervé Graumann in 1993 on an Apple LC 475 computer. The pictures created by Raoul were printed on an ink jet printer. The exhibition visitors could take the prints for free or a few bucks.

This App is an update of the project, created on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the piece in association with artist Matthieu Cherubini. Raoul is still painting (and drinking and taking naps to get inspiration) and you can print his paintings, but there are also new features. The augmented reality function is tons of fun. Raoul’s paintings appear on the screen of the built in camera, so you can add them to any room you’re in, e.g. replace other pictures in a picture you take of an art show or add them to your favorite white wall at home. The photos you created with the inserted paintings can be shared with one click on the projects Flickr page.”

RD, art historian, January 2014

Raoul Pictor in the studio, 2014
“The Raoul Pictor app show”, 2014 – TMproject gallery, geneva Cyril Kerr installing a painting.

Other images of the installation of the exhibition here.
Images of the exhibition here.
