Raoul Pictor 2023
“Raoul Pictor cherche son style…” XXXth Anniversary 1993 – 2023 Generative NFT version on fxhash
Who’s Next? [grid version], 2023
When a line crosses another, it changes color. Generative NFT version on fxhash
Pattern “AK66”, 2022
Le mot secret
Mot caché: art actuel en 15 lettres
box2Dx3Dx4D, 1989
movie 2019
Couleur Minute, 1990
“Couleur minute”, 1990 | A monochrome color is displayed on the computer screen and changes each minute.
HG Monography
HG Monographie 2005
Sur Seurat, 1994
“Sur Seurat”, 1994, was made using an HP Deskwriter 500C
Profils perdus, 1994
“Profils perdus”, 1994 Computer, random generator of classified ads
Live & die, 1994-96
“Live & die”, 1994-96 Generative animation
Patterns’ series
Three-dimensional ornament made of everyday objects
EZ models Video sculpture
“Olbert’s farm”, 2007
Swapping surfaces
This series shows two surfaces which are cut together at the same time and the cut ups are exchanged